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Your product selection from Dinner Bell Farm

Large Combo

$379.75 per package

Ethically and humanely raised, on pasture and forest, GMO-free, without antibiotics or added hormones . . . and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! You pay per pound only for the final meat you take home! Large Bundle: * One Boston Butt Roast (3-4 lbs.) * One Picnic/Shoulder Roast (3-5 lbs.) * Seven pkgs. Pork Chops (2 chops/pkg.) * Five pkgs. Smoked Bacon/Jowls/Ends (~1 lb. each) * Eight pkgs. Sausages (1 lb. each) * Four pkgs. Brats (four brats/pkg.)

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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About Dinner Bell Farm

Dinner Bell Farm is a local family farm growing pasture-raised pork, chicken, goat, and eggs for our family and yours, in addition to vegetables, fruit, and herbs. We are committed to regenerative practices which provide chemical-free, highly nutritious, delicious food, which is good for people, good for the animals, and good for the Earth. We support the local food ministries and invite the community to frequent activities on the farm, and we look forward to getting to know you! Our farm is a source of inspiration not only for what we grow, cook, and eat, but also for how we live.


Dinner Bell Farm
7565 Snow Camp Road
Snow Camp, NC 27349

More products from Dinner Bell Farm

Broiler Chickens, available May and June 2024

$6.50 per pound

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Pasture-Raised Chicken fresh from the farm. Pre-order whole or cut chicken - we are harvesting May 4th and June 22nd! - Dinner Bell Farm chickens live in shelters open to air and sunshine, in the fresh grass on the pasture, and we move them daily. - They naturally forage for insects and grasses, and their feed is a local non-GMO high quality feed. - Chickens are raised seasonally (March – October) so that they can spend their lives outdoors. - We brood, raise, and process our chickens ourselves, on the farm, to ensure the highest quality of life and the best food for your table. - Never Frozen - These chickens are butchered on the farm and safely shrink-wrapped and chilled for you. And every DELICIOUS bite you take contributes to healthier land, watershed, local community, and planet.

Pasture Raised

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Whole or Half Hog

$10.00 per pound

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Ethically and humanely raised, on pasture and forest, GMO-free, without antibiotics or added hormones . . . and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! You pay per pound only for the final meat you take home! Half Hog * One Tenderloin (~1 lb.) * One pkg. Spare Ribs (~3 lbs.) * Two Boston Butt Roast (3-4 lbs. each) * Two Picnic/Shoulder Roast (3-5 lbs. each) * One Spare Ribs (~2 lbs. each) * Fourteen pkgs. Pork Chops (2 chops/pkg.) * Ten pkgs. Smoked Bacon/Jowls/Ends (~1 lb. each) * Two-three pkgs. Shanks (~1 lb. each) * Sixteen pkgs. Various Sausages (1 lb. each) * Eight pkgs. Brats (four brats/pkg.) PLUS these optional extras at no charge: * Stew Bones * Fatback and Leaf Lard * Organs

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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Large Combo

$379.75 per package

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Ethically and humanely raised, on pasture and forest, GMO-free, without antibiotics or added hormones . . . and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! You pay per pound only for the final meat you take home! Large Bundle: * One Boston Butt Roast (3-4 lbs.) * One Picnic/Shoulder Roast (3-5 lbs.) * Seven pkgs. Pork Chops (2 chops/pkg.) * Five pkgs. Smoked Bacon/Jowls/Ends (~1 lb. each) * Eight pkgs. Sausages (1 lb. each) * Four pkgs. Brats (four brats/pkg.)

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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Small Combo

$168.75 per package

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Ethically and humanely raised, on pasture and forest, GMO-free, without antibiotics or added hormones . . . and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! You pay per pound only for the final meat you take home! Small Combo: * One Boston Butt OR Picnic Roast (3-5 lbs.) * Three pkgs. Pork Chops (2 chops/pkg.) * Two-three pkgs. Smoked Bacon/Jowls /Ends (~1 lb. each) * Four pkgs. Sausages (1 lb. each) * Two pkgs. Brats (four brats/pkg.)

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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